In the Franciscan monastery on Petrićevac in Banja Luka, on Saturday, September 2nd the 25th religious day in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held, which gathered more than 130 monks and nuns from all over BiH.
After the opening prayer, the president of the Conference of Higher Religious Leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina (KVRPP BiH), sister Željka Dramac, ŠSF, addressed those present, greeting and reminding that this is the third religious day that has been held in this monastery.
Permeated by the Spirit of Christ
The moderator of the religious day, sister Danijela Anić, ASC, then read a congratulatory message from the Poor Clares from Brestovskogo and the Carmelite nuns from Stup (Sarajevo).
The Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica addressed the present, pointing out that in the Banja Luka Diocese, Franciscan nuns and nuns from different societies have been working sacrificially in the fields of the Lord for a long time. In the end, he said that it is very important that everything be imbued with Christ’s Holy Spirit.
Then the host, guardian OFM Domagoj Šimić, welcomed us, reminding us first of all the history of the Franciscan monastery on Petrićevac, as well as the visit of the Holy Pope John Paul II. who on June 22nd 2003, celebrated Holy Mass at that place and beatified Ivan Merz of Banja Luka.
Everyday challenges
This was followed by a lecture entitled “Sower came to sow” (Mt 13:4) – new challenges of pastoral vocations in the modern world, and was given by the provincial superior of the Sisters of the Daughters of God’s Love, sister Gordana Igrec, vice-president of the Croatian Religious Conference. She said that pastoral vocations must leave their church frameworks and have the courage to face new places. “How many times do we complain about the low turnout, and we don’t realize that we have addressed only a small number of people, as if God doesn’t call everyone and everything or even worse, as if we decided who can be invited and who can’t. If we look at the world around us, we will realize that God has wide hands and calls everyone and everywhere”, stressed sister Gordana.
In the second part of the presentation, she spoke about the new vocation culture within the contemporary socio-cultural and church context. Based on the preparatory document of the XV. general regular assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which was held in the Vatican from October 3rd to 28th 2018, on the topic of Youth, Faith and Discernment of Vocations, listed the characteristics of today’s youth.
In the third part of her presentation, sister Gordana spoke about the new realities of pastoral vocations.
“Today, new vocations attract those religious communities in which the evangelical ideals clearly stand out and which place high demands on the human heart. Young people need strong offers, those that come from the gospel and its strengths, that combine gift and request, that seek and also give the maximum that is worth spending your life for”, concluded nun Igrec.
A discussion followed, and then an opportunity for holy confession.
Monks – a spiritual treasure
Eucharistic celebration in the church of St. Anthony of Padua was led by Bishop Franjo in the concelebration of Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka Marko Semren, OFM, the Provincial of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena, OFM Zdravko Dadić, and about 15 other priests.
In the appropriate homily, the bishop, among other things, addressed the monks and nuns and said: “You are, without a doubt, a significant spiritual treasure that God offers to his people. Their, i.e. your, religious charisms are not only a gift of God, a grace for your personal consecration, but also for the growth and mission of the Church.”
In the end, he said: “I thank God for all of you who have tried, especially during the past few extremely dramatic decades, to be and remain credible collaborators of Christ, the pride of our native Church.”
The Holy Mass celebration was animated by harmonious singing by sister Mira Bliznac, deputy provincial superior of the Franciscan School Sisters of Christ the King of the Bosnian-Croatian Province.
At the end of the Holy Mass, the president of the KVRPP gave words of thanks and introduced the attendees to the afternoon program, which was followed by a tour of the Ferhat Pasha Mosque and the Banja Luka Cathedral.