Archbishop of Vrhbosna Cardinal Vinko Puljić and Archbishop Coadjutor Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, on December 12th in the afternoon hours left the Abdulah Nakaš General Hospital in Sarajevo, where they were hospitalized due to a coronavirus infection.
In a press release from the Public Relations Office of the Archdiocese of Vrhbosna, it is stated that the Cardinal and Msgr. Vukšić are feeling well and they are continuing their recovery in their residence.
After leaving the hospital, Cardinal Puljić expressed his gratitude to the staff of the General Hospital and all the faithful who accompanied them with their prayers. “We both want to thank so many good souls who have expressed solidarity with us in our illness and prayed for our health. Then we want to thank Dr. Gavrankapetanović as well as the entire staff. Not only were they professional, but humane and very kind (…) Having gone through the experience of fighting the infection, we feel the need to emphasize the importance of caution and responsibility to protect their own and others’ health”, said the Archbishop of Vrhbosna.
Let us remind, that after feeling the symptoms and after positive tests, Cardinal Puljić and Archbishop Vukšić were hospitalized on December 2nd.
Sarajevo – December 12, 2020