The monthly spiritual renewal of all priests in the pastoral care of the Banja Luka diocese, after a long break caused by the corona virus pandemic, was held on March 3rd in Banja Luka.
The Holy Mass was led by the Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica in concelebration with Auxiliary Bishop Marko Semren, OFM, and 38 other priests, and was served by the permanent deacon rev. Marijan Krajinović.
In his homily, Bishop Franjo, on the basis of a Gospel passage, encouraged the priests to imitate Christ, who called them all to his exalted ministry and who showed in words and examples what this ministry consists of and what fruits it brings to people and to all mankind.
After the Holy Mass and refreshments that followed, Msgr. Komarica gave a lecture on the past 35 years of his Episcopal ministry in the Banja Luka diocese and on current problems, challenges and needs faced by both, the local and country’, as well as the universal Church.
Informing those present that he had sent a notice to the Holy Father and a request that he pray for his successor because of his canonical age, he also called on the priests to pray together with their parishioners for this intention.
After additional current practical information, the spiritual renewal was completed with a joint lunch in the courtyard of the diocese next to the cathedral bell tower.
The next regular meeting of all the priests of the diocese is scheduled for Holy Wednesday on Day of the Priests and the Holy Mass of Consecration of the Oil.
Banja Luka – March 3, 2021