On the feast of the Epiphany, on January 6th, the Holy Mass in the Cathedral of Sarajevo was led by the Archbishop of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Metropolitan Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, who was handed a letter of recommendation by the new nuncio, Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt at the end of the Holy Mass.
During the Holy Mass, which was preceded by a solemn procession, in concelebration alongside with the apostolic nuncio were also members of the BiH Bishops’ Conference: the vice-president, the bishop of Mostar-Duvno and the apostolic administrator of Trebinje-Mrkan, Msgr. Petar Palić and the Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica and the apostolic visitor with a special role for the parish of Međugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli, the auxiliary bishop of Banjo Luka, Msgr. Marko Semren, as well as the provincials: OFM Zdravko Dadić of the Franciscan Province of Bosnia and Herzegovina and OFM Jozo Grbeš of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina and about 30 priests.
“Caspar” of our time
Also, a large number of believers and nuns from different societies were present at the Holy Mass celebration.
Before the beginning of the Holy Mass Msgr. Vukšić reminded that the names of the three kings are Caspar, Melchior and Baltazar. “I don’t know, however, if you know that Baltazar is from Arabia, Melchior is from Persia, and Caspar is from India, and that from the regions that are now gathered in the state of Kerala. The happy circumstance is that Msgr. Chullikatt comes from India, from the state of Kerala, and has the same facial colour as one of the three kings (…) Dear Francis, welcome, dear ‘Caspar’, welcome. He comes to us in the name of Pope, we receive him as such”, said, among others, the archbishop of Vrhobosna, followed by a round of welcome applause, and Msgr. Vukšić sent greetings to the gathered bishops, priests, nuns and the faithful.
After the biblical readings and the proclamation of the Gospels, according to the ancient custom of the Church, the Epiphany announcement of Easter for 2023 was read.
Guided by a star
This was followed by a sermon of Nuncio Chullikatta, at the beginning of which he greeted in Croatian with “Hvaljen Isus I Marija”, and recalled his 25-year acquaintance with Archbishop Vukšić and called for prayers for the recently deceased Pope Benedict XVI. The translation of the sermon was read by the vicar general Archbishop of Vrhbosna Msgr. Slađan Ćosić. “Today’s liturgy presents us with the Wise Men from the East who, guided by a star, found their way to the crib in Bethlehem. It is only the beginning of a great procession that permeates history, as described in the Gospel, the magnificent prophetic visions of Isaiah and today’s Psalm (…) The Church calls this event ‘Epiphany’ – the manifestation, the appearance of the divine in the human world. If we look at the fact that, from the very beginning of Jesus’ birth, people of all nationalities, continents, different cultures and traditions were and are still on the way to Christ, we can truly say that this is a pilgrimage to the Savior, the Messiah, and this meeting with him in person The child, the Epiphany of God’s goodness and his steadfast and immediate love of humanity (Titus 3:4)”, said among other things, Archbishop Francis.
Submission of letters of recommendation
At the end of the Eucharistic celebration – because when the apostolic nuncio comes, he brings two letters of credit: one for the state government and the other for the Church – Archbishop Chullikatt, in the presence of all the members of the BiH Bishops’ Conference, handed over a letter of recommendation to its president, Msgr. Vukšić.
The handover took place in front of the altar, and the letter, translated into Croatian, was read by the general secretary of the BK BiH, Msgr. Ivo Tomašević.
After that, the new apostolic nuncio gave an appropriate speech in Italian, and Archbishop Vukšić translated into Croatian.
The Holy Mass celebration, which was broadcast directly by RTV Herceg Bosna, was animated by the harmonious singing of the cathedral mixed choir Josip Stadler, and the ceremony was conducted by rev. Ivan Rako.
Let us also mention that the Holy See recognized Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 7th, 1992, and established diplomatic relations with it on August 20th of the same year. Msgr. Chullikatt is the sixth nuncio in BiH, born on March 20th, 1953 in Bolgatty, India. He was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Verapoly on June 3rd, 1978. He graduated in canon law and entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on July 15th, 1988. He speaks English, French, Italian and Spanish, and is a nuncio in Montenegro as well.
Sarajevo – January 7, 2023