Retreat for the priests of the Banja Luka diocese, led by the Archbishop of Vrhbosna cardinal Vinko Puljić, was held on June 16th in Our Lady’s shrine in Komušina.
On this occasion, 17 priests led by the Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica, participated and they were joined by several priests who work in pastoral care in neighbouring parishes.
The meeting began in the parish church with the Middle Hour prayer. This was followed by an introductory discussion given by the Cardinal on the subject of the Priest and Mary.
The participants then went to Kondžilo hill where they prayed the rosary together.
The host, the parish priest of Komušana and the dean of the Usora deanery, rev. Boris Salapić spoke briefly to the guests about the history of the sanctuary.
Then a Holy Mass was celebrated, which was led and preached by Cardinal Puljić. In his homily, he emphasized the role of St. Joseph in the lives of Jesus and Mary and emphasized his fulfilment of God’s task. He also stressed that the priests are entrusted with the most sacred thing the Church has: the Holy Eucharist.
At the end of the Holy Mass, a dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary was prayed, and the fellowship continued in the crypt of the parish church.
Komušina – June 17, 2021