Organized by the National board of the Papal Mission acts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 1st in the Archdioceses seminary Petar Barbarić in Travnik, a meeting of the children’s choirs – a choice of a missionary song, was held.
This meeting is a part of the preparation for the Extraordinary Mission Month in October 2019., when the 100th anniversary of Pope Benedict XV’s apostolic letter Maximum Illud is celebrated. The initiator of this project is the International General Secretariat of the Pontifical Mission works of the Holy Childhood led by s. Roberta Tramarelli. Such and similar meetings will be held in more than 100 countries worldwide. From the said Secretariat they asked to choose a missionary song to represent the National Administration of the Papal Missionary Work and the country. The audio-visual recording of the winning song will be sent to Rome where the CD of winning songs will be recorded.
For the meeting in Travnik, 11 parishes from all the BiH Dioceses were registered, so there were 11 children’s choirs with more than 350 children.
All the choirs together sang the famous missionary song Tamo gdje palme cvatu, and it was chosen to represent BiH, and each choir sang the song they reported.
Third place was won by the choir of the parish of Livno; the second place was the choir of parish Čapljina, and the first place was won by the Blagaj-Buna parish. As the best they got the acknowledgments and symbolic rewards, while each choir received a thank-you for participation, and thanks were given to those who helped the organization as well.
The meeting ended with the common prayer of all participants at the tomb of God’s servant Petar Barbarić.
Sarajevo, 1. June 2019.