On Sunday, July 30th, in the packed parish church of the Holy Family in Kupres, the Sixth Family Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Third World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly were solemnly celebrated.
The slogan of the Family Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina was “Family Love is a Call and Path to Holiness”, and the Third World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, established by Pope Francis in 2021, was celebrated under the central theme “From Generation to Generation, Kindness is Its Essence”.
The solemn Eucharistic ceremony was led by Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka and President of the Family Council of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Msgr. Marko Semren, OFM. In communion with him were: Cardinal Vinko Puljić, the Archbishop of Vrhbosna in retirement, and Bishop of Mostar-Duvno and the Apostolic Administrator of Trebinje-Mrkan, Msgr. Petar Palić. About ten priests concelebrated, led by the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Vrhbosna, Msgr. Slađan Ćosić.
Before the start of the Holy Mass, the Kupres parish priest, rev. Tomislav Mlakić, greeted the attendees and emphasized that by celebrating Family Day, “the local Church wants to show closeness and solidarity with our Croatian Catholic families.” He extended a special greeting to grandparents who were following the Holy Mass from their homes, as well as to spouses celebrating anniversaries of their marital unity.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Spiritual Grace
At the beginning of the relevant homily, Bishop Marko emphasized that the family is the most important human community on Earth. He stressed that people live in different communities, but the family is the “basic community on which all others are based.” “Jesus was born into a family but also founded a new family called the Church, desiring all of humanity to become one family”, said Msgr. Semren. He then reflected on the liturgical readings that introduce the dual mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. He mentioned that the first aspect of this kingdom is its enigmatic presence in the world, while the second is its transcendent, ultimate revelation and fulfilment in eternity.
“The Kingdom of God is primarily within us, within each individual… The Kingdom of God is within us and among us”, he asserted, emphasizing that it is not a physical place but a state of spiritual grace.
Continuing his sermon, the bishop discussed family life as a school of love and a guarantee of longevity. He also spoke about the challenges of fatherhood and motherhood in today’s society, emphasizing their irreplaceable roles in the upbringing and growth of children and families. He referred to fathers as responsible preachers of faith and highlighted Saint Joseph as a model for all fathers. He emphasized that true fatherhood involves responsibility and love devoid of selfishness. “Fathers who show love, generosity, and patience to their children without seeking anything in return are an image of God’s fatherhood”, stated Msgr. Semren, adding that happy children and youth growing up in joyful families have the opportunity to become happy adults and responsible members of society.
“In the family, a child learns the first habits that provide security in behaviour and the most important life lessons: it learns speech and acquires basic culture that is already contained within it”, he added, addressing the elderly afterward and underlining that World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly is another occasion to testify that the Church wants to celebrate together with all those whom the Lord has “abundantly filled with days”.
The sermon concluded with a prayer in which Bishop Semren implored the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Gentleness, “to make us all creators of a revolution of love so that together we may free the world from the shadow of loneliness and the evil spirit of war”.
After the sermon, the Kupres parish priest baptized two babies, Marija and Helena, the twins of the Ćurković family.
Blessing of Silver and Golden Jubilees
Following the post-communion prayer and parish announcements, Bishop Semren blessed those who were celebrating their silver and golden wedding jubilees. Fifty years of marriage vows were celebrated by Mira and Ljubo Begić (Kupres); Lucija and Alojzije Batinić (Kupres); Radojka and Jozo Ilić (Gradina); Anica and Ivan Džolan (Rumboci); Ana and Stojan Puljić (Neum); Mira and Josip Šarić, and Bosa and Marko Martinović. Twelve couples celebrated a quarter-century since their sacramental marriage.
The liturgical singing was led by the parish choir from Nova Bila.
Thanks to Croatian Television Herceg-Bosna and Laudato Television, as well as radio stations Marija and Kupres, the Eucharistic ceremony was broadcasted for Catholics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and the diaspora.