Archbishop of Vrhbosna cardinal Vinko Puljić and Archbishop Coadjutor Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, who were hospitalized at the Sarajevo General Hospital Prim. Dr. Abdulah Nakaš on December 3rd due to a coronavirus infection, are recovering well.
Information about the health condition of the two Vrhbosna archbishops was given to Katolički tjednik by themselves. “We arrived at the hospital on time, and I am grateful to God because the recovery is going well. We are both recovering well under the supervision of a doctor. We are grateful to everyone who cares about our health and accompanies us with their prayers. We are especially grateful to the medical staff who takes care of us”, said the cardinal, and Archbishop Tomo pointed out that there are no problems and that he is grateful to God for this “temptation”. He mentioned that he spends time in the hospital, in addition to regular hospital procedures, visiting other patients and encouraging them in their pain.
They also recommended in the prayers of the faithful, not only themselves, but also all those suffering from coronavirus as well as medical staff.
Due to the unpredictability of the virus, it is difficult to predict when the leaders of the Vrhbosna Archdiocese will be released from the hospital, but the public will be informed about everything in a timely manner.
Sarajevo – December 3, 2020