On the Feast of St. Luke, October 18th, with the Eucharistic celebration and ceremonial academy, Catholic Theological University (KBF) in Sarajevo, celebrated its heavenly patron.
Holy Mass in the seminary church of St. Cyril and Methodius was led by the great chancellor of this high education institution, the Archbishop of Vrhbosna Vinko cardinal Puljić in communion with Msgr. Tom Vukšić, Military Ordinary in BiH and 20 more priests.
At the beginning, the Dean of the KBF, Dr. venerable Darko Tomašević welcomed all present, and then the Cardinal wished the example of St. Luke to be an inspiration to everyone, especially those who work in upbringing and education.
In his sermon cardinal Puljić first spoke of how each individual institution in the Church takes on the individual patron in order for him to be firstly model, and then its patron.
“Each institution will be as successful as much as every member of it gives its gifts. Harvest is big and the workers not many. May each worker feel love for their institution in which they work. Here I mean not just of professors, but of students too. What is done with love can succeed. What is not done without love becomes a mechanism that is just done”, the cardinal said, emphasizing the importance of being instructive, as St. Luke. Noting that knowledge is needed he emphasized it has failed to achieve its meaning if without spirit.
He further spoke of the question of unity, wishing that all people of Christ really come to know and be instructive as St. Luke who signed with his blood what he wrote in his life.
In the end he wished that the example of St. Luke encourages attendees to get through what they have learned during the studies so they can be true witnesses in this time and place.
Diplomas handouts and rewards for the best
After the holy mass in the hall of Paul VI., followed academic act during which ten masters of theology were promoted. The ceremony began with the singing of the student’s hymn Gaudemaus igitur.
Dean Tomašević addressed the present and particularly welcomed the Cardinal and colleagues from the academic community, deans of the University of Sarajevo and the guests from Đakovo, Mostar… After welcoming words, Dr. Tomašević presented the work of KBF in the past year and various projects including the new faculty web site and the modernization of classrooms.
Then the great Chancellor of the KBF, Archbishop of Vrhbosna, addressed the present, congratulating the employees and students on their day. He stressed the importance of getting a diploma emphasizing that people would “read and look” at their diploma through humanity, honesty, conscience and accountability they show through life.
In addition to the dean of the KBF, in this academic act, welcoming words were also said by the rector of the University of Sarajevo prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj.
Apropriate lecture, Pope Francis and the Institution of Consecrated Life – theological-legal aspects, was held by doc. dr. sc. Bernarda Horvat.
After the presentation and the music part, followed the promotion of newly graduate theologians. Out of a total of ten magistrates, five of them received a diploma from the dean Tomošević’s hands, while others were justifiably absent.
Along with graduates, awards were also awarded to the most successful students in the past academic year.
In the end, dean Thomašević, once again congratulated the magistrates, and the academy ended, as it began, by singing the student hymn Gaudemaus igitur.
The ceremony was also attended by Mr. Marinko Čavara, President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatian Ambassador to BiH, Mr. Ivan del Vechio, and several headmasters of Catholic schools in BiH.
Ten New Masters of Theology
Over the past year, ten students completed successfully the integrated philosophical-theological studies at the Catholic Theological University in Sarajevo
and acquired the title of master of theology: Ana Brkan; Dos Santos Coelho Paulo Henrique; Mario Grbavac; Ivan Injić; Adnan Jašarević; Petre Kalev; Ante Ljulj; Dominika Majka; Matej Petrašić and Marko Župarić.