On Sunday, September 27th, in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Potoci near Mostar, a solemn Mass celebration marked the 54th World Day of Social Media at the level of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BK BiH).
On that occasion, the Eucharistic celebration was led by Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, Archbishop Coadjutor of Vrhbosna and President of the Council for Social Media of the BK BiH, with the concelebration of: Secretary General of the BK BiH and Editor-in-Chief of the KTA web portal Msgr. Ivo Tomašević, local parish priest rev. Josip Galić, director and editor-in-chief of Naša ognjišta OFM Gabrijel Mioč, director and editor-in-chief of Radio Marija BiH father Mate Anić, and director of Svjetlo riječi OFM Janko Ćuro.
In addition to the numerous believers who filled the church, the journalists of Radio Marija BiH, Katolički tjednik, Federal Television, Radio Television of Herceg-Bosna were present at the Holy Mass, who, like Radio Marija, broadcasted the Holy Mass.
The homily was said by Msgr. Vukšić who then gave the sacrament of baptism to the girl Ana Pandža.
The celebration was animated by the singing of the mixed parish choir led by sister Bibijana Ćurlin. After the Holy Mass, Bishop Vukšić met with media workers in the parish house.
We remind you that in accordance with the decision of the Bishops’ Conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2003., instead of May, the Day of Social Communications in BiH is celebrated on the last Sunday in September. It should be noted that this year’s host, the parish of Potoci, was founded in 1892. during the time of Bishop OFM Paškal Buconjić. The first parish priests were Franciscans, and in 1904. the bishop handed over the parish to the diocesan clergy. The first diocesan parish priest was rev. Tadija Božić, who, with the help of benefactors and the people, built the parish church.
Bijelo Polje – September 27, 2020