
58th world day of means of social communication

On Sunday, September 29th, on the memorial day of the Holy Archangels – Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, in the parish church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Prozor, the 58th World Day of Social Communication was celebrated at the level of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The concelebrated Eucharistic celebration was led by the president of the Council for the means of social communication and the president of the BK BiH, Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, the metropolitan archbishop of Vrhbosna, with the concelebration of the local parish priest, the dean of Rama, Msgr. Marko Tomić, secretary general of BK BiH and editor-in-chief of KTA rev. Bojan Ivešić and three other priests.

Information, not the fruit of thought

At the beginning of the Holy Mass, those present were greeted by Msgr. Tomić “on this special occasion when the Church mentions the role of the media and social means of mediating words and events. They are the reason for you to hear and see what is happening today in Prozor”.

“Is it possible that in addition to all these means of mediation, there are illiterate people who have almost nothing to do with this civilization? Many are denied access to this diverse offer in order to be participants and protagonists of good things and great developments in the world of community and understanding.

Will these means of communication bring us closer or further apart from each other? What would artificial intelligence answer to that? I didn’t ask it, and I wouldn’t! It’s answer is based on information, not the result of thinking”, said the priest from Prozor in his speech.

Church in communication

After the readings from the scriptures and the proclamation of the gospel, the Archbishop, in an appropriate sermon, first recalled the establishment of the World Day of Social Communication, which was created at the direct proposal and request of the Second Vatican Council. He went on to point out that the “Church in communication” is one of the very important topics because communication is one of its essential elements and way of being and acting. “It is literally a community sent to communicate. This obligation of hers stems from Jesus’ command that his disciples go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature (Mk 16:15). That is, to proclaim and witness to all peoples, in all places, on all continents, always and in all circumstances (…) This should be recognized as an essential mark of the Church and as an indispensable part of its mission. In this sense, the means of social communication can be of great use”, pointed out Msgr. Vukšić.

Relation to the wisdom of the heart

He explained that the field of social communication tools is very rapidly taking on new forms and methods at the present time. “This is especially true after the invention of new digital media systems, with which many sensitive issues are connected. This is precisely why this year Pope Francis dedicated his message for the Day of Social Communication to the important topic of artificial intelligence and its relationship to the wisdom of the heart and the need for everything to be directed towards truly human communication. The selection of this important topic was explained by the Pope with the words: ‘The development of so-called artificial intelligence systems (…) is also radically changing information and communication, and thus also some of the foundations of civil coexistence. This is a change that affects everyone, not only those who are professionally engaged in it'”, Archbishop Tomo quoted the Holy Father and further reminded that Christians are not only part of this world, but are sent to proclaim the gospel to every creature, including new creations of the human mind.

At the end of the Holy Mass, the parish priest once again addressed the attendees and thanked and greeted the young people who are participating in the 72 hours without compromise action.

The liturgical celebration was animated by harmonious singing by the parish choir led by sister Anđelina Perić and accompanied by Ana Topić on the organ.

Let’s also add that the Holy Mass was possible to watch live through the radio waves and the YouTube account of Radio Maria BiH, as well as with the direct transmission of RTV HB and Pro TV from Tomislavgrad.


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