Members of the Bishop’s Conference of BiH (BK BiH) and the Franciscan Provincials in BiH held a meeting on September 24th at the Archbishop’s Residence in Sarajevo on the implementation of the Deacon’s Pastoral Year, the Secretariat of the BK BiH reported.
It was agreed that from the academic year 2020./2021. all deacons in BiH, in accordance with the Rules of the Deacon Pastoral Year, approved by the bishops at their session on July 13th and 14th 2020. in Banja Luka, have a common pastoral year in preparation for priestly ordination. The date of its beginning has been set – November 30th 2020.
It has been agreed that the study part will be held in Sarajevo in the premises of the Franciscan Theological Seminary and the Vrhbosna Theological Seminary, where the office of the leader and his deputy will be located this year. It was concluded that Archbishop Msgr. Tomo Vukšić get acquainted the leader of the Deacon’s Pastoral Year Msgr. Pavo Jurišić and his deputy OFM Miro Relota, with practical guidelines from the bishops and Franciscan provincials.
The participants of the meeting expressed their joy for realization of this project because it will be an opportunity for deacons to get to know each other even better and visit the headquarters of all dioceses and all women’s and men’s provincial administrations in BiH and other important church institutions.
Sarajevo – September 24, 2020