In the parish church of St. Elijah the Prophet in Bosansko Grahovo, on August 1st, commemoration of the 79th anniversary of the martyrdom of the parish priest rev. Juraj Gospodnetić and the suffering of more than 200 Grahovo Croats in the Second World War and the post-war period, was held.
The Holy Mass was led by the Bishop of Banja Luka, Franjo Komarica, together with the parish priest, rev. Davor Klečina. At the beginning of the Holy Mass, the parish priest emphasized the importance of a prayer gathering of Christians at the place of martyrdom and the sacrifices of the faithful, especially “Croatian Mother Maccabean” Anica Barać, who was killed along with her nine minor children.
In his sermon, Bishop Komarica spoke about Christian martyrdom, which the Church calls “the greatest testimony of love” at the Second Vatican Council, and emphasized that the martyr’s death, like Christ’s, is salvation and is always a gift of God.
At the end of the Holy Mass, the bishop prayed the Prayer for the dead for all those killed, whose names are engraved on memorial plaques placed in the parish church.
Due to the emergency situation, a small number of believers gathered, about 30 of them.
Bosansko Grahovo – August 2, 2020