On Saturday, January 6th, in the evening hours in the Banja Luka cathedral, the feast of the Epiphany was liturgically celebrated and at the same time the 38th anniversary of the ordination of the apostolic administrator of the Banja Luka diocese, emeritus msgr. Franjo Komarica.
The Holy Mass was celebrated by Bishop Franjo, and the assistant bishop, Msgr. Marko Semren, OFM, rector of the cathedral, Rev. Pero Ivan Grgić, parish priest and dean of Banja Luka rev. Žarko Vladislav Ošap, director of Caritas prelate Miljenko Aničić, parish priest and guardian of Petrićevac OFM. Domagoj Šimić, parish priest of Marija Zvijezda, rev. Zvonko Topić, parish priest of Nova Topola, rev. Angelo Bartulica and three other priests.
Also present were nuns from three Congregations that have their own monasteries in the city, and more than 60 members of FRAMA from Uskoplje parishes near Bugojno, from the Vrhbosna archdiocese, who led the singing.
At the beginning of the Holy Mass celebration, the bishop expressed his joy and gratitude for the participation of those present in a common prayer of thanksgiving and supplication – for the faith and perseverance in faith and service of all those present. He reminded that on the same day the anniversary of his episcopal ordination is also celebrated by the archbishop of Vrhbosna, Cardinal Vinko Puljić and the auxiliary bishop of Vrhbosna in peace, Msgr. Pero Sudar.
In the appropriate sermon, Bishop Franjo first interpreted the meaning of the content of the ancient feast of the Epiphany. He emphasized the beginning of the realization of God’s definitive intention to make the history of the human race the history of the salvation of all people, all peoples and human races. This God’s intention is recognized by true God-seekers, who do not spare their strength and do not run away from inconveniences and even disappointments in order to reach the opportunity to worship the new, unique ruler of the whole world.
He also referred to the poorly behaviour of the earthly ruler at that time – embodied in the executioner Herod and his rejection of what God announced through his emissaries and prophets.
He alluded to the numerous Herods up to the most recent times, who removed the observance of God’s commandments and imagined themselves as masters of human lives, even of entire nations. He also applied it to the recent past of our country, its peoples and especially the Catholic Church. He recalled the behaviour of the three wise men from the East after meeting the Child Jesus as the Saviour of the world. They no longer wanted to deal with the powerful man of that time – the executioner Herod, but became evangelizers in their own countries. The members of Christ’s Church who have come to know him as their only Saviour behave and should behave similarly, reports TABB.
At the end of the sermon, he referred to the event that took place 38 years ago in the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, for his episcopal ordination. He remembered the words from the sermon of St. John Paul II. that he sends them to be “evangelizers in their own nations, to lead their brothers and sisters in faith, and to bring other fellow citizens to faith in the only Saviour of the human race”.
He thanked God for countless graces and constant help during all the past 38 years of episcopal service during dramatic and challenging years and events. He also thanked all the members of the diocese entrusted to him for their constant prayer, love, loyalty and help. He also reminded of the imminent arrival of his successor, the new bishop, Msgr. Željko Majić once again encouraged everyone to recommend him in their prayers to the light and power of the Holy Spirit.
At the end of the Holy Mass celebration, those present gathered in the hall of the Bishop’s Ordinariate for a fraternal gathering to congratulate Bishop Franjo and sing Christmas carols.
Let us remind you that on January 6th, 1986, Bishop Komarica was in the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, along with six other bishops from five continents, where they were ordained by St. John Paul II.