The third meeting of priests from the Banja Luka diocese was held in Banja Luka on March 16th on topics related to the Synodal Way, which began in October 2021. Almost all priests working in the pastoral work participated.
The event began in the cathedral with adoration in front of the exposed Most Holy. Appropriate meditation and spiritual encouragement was led by the parish priest and dean of Banja Luka rev. Žarko Vladislav Ošap. After refreshments, the meeting continued in the hall of the Ordinariate, and the moderator was the parish priest and guardian of Petrićevac, OFM Domagoj Šimić, secretary of the Synodal Team.
The main presentation was given by the coordinator of the Synodal Team, the Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Marko Semren, OFM. He presented the current diocesan synodal walk according to the written descriptions of pastoral workers, religious teachers, nuns and leaders of prayer groups. Among other things, he stressed that “synodality begins in us: by changing mentality, personal conversion in the religious community, in the parish, at home, at work, in our structures, and then expanding to services and mission”. Bishop Komarica then reminded that the Banja Luka diocese, like every other local church, “should experience its synodal path according to its own situation”. He reminded the priests of the obligation of a credible life and called on them to think about what they can do more and better to increase and strengthen the prayer and spiritual life of the faithful of Christ entrusted to them.
Finally, a prayer for war ending in Ukraine was said.
Banja Luka – March 17, 2022