Along with the new Provincial, OFM Zdravko Dadić, and the Vicar, OFM Janko Ćuro, the Definitors of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena were elected at the regular Provincial Chapter on April 27th.
At the Electoral Chapter of the Franciscan Province of the Holy Cross – Bosna Srebrena, which was celebrated in the monastery of St. Paul in Sarajevo from April 25th to 30th, the current definitor and guardian of the Franciscan monastery of of St. Elijah in Zagreb OFM Zdravko Dadić was elected the new provincial, and the new Vicar of the Province is the current definitor and editor of the Franciscan monthly newspapers Svjetlo riječi, OFM Janko Ćuro. Also, new definitors were elected: OFM Miro Relota, OFM Vinko Sičaja, OFM Drago Pranješ, OFM Stipo Kljajić, OFM Petar Jeleč and OFM Ivo Orlovac.
The chapter began with the Holy Mass led by the Archbishop of Vrhbosna and Metropolitan Msgr. Tomo Vukšić. Concelebrating with him were: OFM Jozo Marinčić, former Provincial, and OFM Božo Vuleta, Visitor General of the Province, and 55 Capitular priests.
The working part of the Chapter lasted until Saturday, April 30th, during which the Franciscans discussed in 19 plenary sessions the burning issues important for the current life of the Province, and considered how to respond to future challenges facing this Franciscan community.
After the election for Provincial Minister on April 27th, OFM Zdravko expressed his gratitude and, recalling the Franciscan presence and unbreakable connection with the people of Bosnia, said: “All of us Franciscans of Bosna Srebrena have a legacy, but also obligation never to be above the people, but like our predecessors to share with them good and bad. Only in this way can we ensure the future of the faith and the people in these areas and remain consistent with the ideals of the Gospel and St. Francis, who wanted the world to become a place of peace, understanding and fraternal coexistence.”
At the end of this provincial event, the Franciscans of Bosna Srebrena sent a statement to the public in which they pointed out the political, economic, social, cultural and moral-ethical crisis in BiH. They stated that all this burdens the life of an ordinary person and accelerates the exodus of young families. At the same time, they stressed that the Franciscans remain with their people in an effort to alleviate the difficulties facing the people. They also emphasized the belief that a complete and European BiH, “in which the individual, national and religious rights and freedoms of all who live in it will be ensured, is the best living framework for all of us”. “Loyal to our heritage, we want to contribute to the construction of such a Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus fulfilling our basic task – to serve in the evangelical and Franciscan spirit to the Croatian Catholic people and to every man regardless of his religious and national affiliation, as we have been doing for more than seven centuries in this country”, said the Franciscans of Bosna Srebrena and called on all peoples in BiH to “jointly build this state without imposing any solutions from the side that only contribute to further divisions”. “In doing so, we especially call on all political actors in our homeland to put aside particular interests and quarrels and to finally commit to building the common good, to avoid any inappropriate rhetoric that could hurt any man. Bosnia and Herzegovina is our common home in which every man – no matter what nation and worldview he belongs to – must feel safe and protected in all his rights and freedoms”, said the Franciscans after the Chapter and wished to everyone: Peace and good!
Sarajevo – April 27, 2022