It is an evangelistic mission to warn that human rights are at stake.
Members of BK BiH and HBK held their XXIV regular annual joint session on February 15th at the Emmaus Spiritual and Pastoral Centre in Bijelo Polje near Mostar.
The meeting was chaired by Archbishop of Vrhbosna and Apostolic Administrator of the Military Ordinariate in BiH Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, Vice President of the Bishops’ Conference of BiH (BK BiH), and the Archbishop of Zadar, Msgr. Želimir Puljić, President of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference (HBK). The host was the Bishop of Mostar and Duvno and the Apostolic Administrator of Trebinje and Mrkan, Msgr. Petar Palić.
Most members of both conferences attended, except for three bishops from Croatia and one from BiH, who were not able to join. In the first part of the session, those present were joined by the Charge d’Affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature in BiH, Msgr. Amaury Medina Blanco.
Difficult political situation
After the prayer, the introductory speech was given by Msgr. Vukšić. Welcoming those present, he congratulated the new Bishop of Dubrovnik, Msgr. Roko Glasnović, who participated in the joint session for the first time. He further reminded that the regular session takes place at a time when BiH is affected by misunderstandings of a political nature, which causes fear. Aware that the BiH authorities do not respect the agreement with the Holy See, which affects the Catholic Church, he said that unjust laws allow majorization of those who are minorit, which is why mostly the Croatian people often suffer. “We constantly remind the authorities of the need to fulfil obligations under the ancient rule: Pacta sunt servanda (Treaties should be respected), the obligation to correct unjust legal solutions and the need to pass fair laws and implement them”, said Archbishop Tomo.
Pastoral care abroad
In the working part, the bishops first paid special attention to the Croatian flock that is abroad, which is organized in 184 cities around the world and employs 188 priests, of which 58 are diocesan and 130 monastic. Members of the two conferences were informed that in almost all Croatian communities abroad, and especially in European countries, increased immigration of Croatian Catholics from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina has been registered.
The bishops also listened to the report of the director of the Pastoral Care for Croats Abroad for 2021 and expressed gratitude to all priests, monks, nuns and other pastoral workers for all they do for the areas affected by earthquakes in Croatia .
Arrangement regarding Holy Mass at Bleiburg
After hearing reports on the prayer and commemoration of the victims of the Croatian people and other nations in World War II and after the war, the bishops decided that the competent bodies of the two conferences should arrange the commemoration and Holy Mass in Bleiburg with the diocesan bishop in Austria.
They were also acquainted with the action of Croatian Caritas entitled Week of Solidarity and Togetherness with the Church and People in Bosnia and Herzegovina and last year’s support to the Church and people in BiH through Caritas projects in BiH. It was pointed out that the central Holy Mass celebration, with a live radio and television broadcast, will be on Sunday, March 20th, in the parish church in Bugojno.
Institute of St. Jerome and the Roman Missal
Furthermore, those present were acquainted in detail with the work of the Episcopal Commission for the Institute of St. Jerome, that is, with life and work at the Pontifical Croatian Institute in Rome, where 25 priests are currently studying postgraduate studies.
Considering common liturgical issues, the bishops were acquainted with the work on the Croatian translation of the third edition of the Roman Missal. Joy and gratitude were expressed that the final preparations for the publication of the songs book Pjevajte Gospodinu pjesmu novu (Sing to the Lord new song) are nearing completion.
During the meeting, they also considered the introduction of a pro-entry year for those who want to go to theological seminaries as candidates for the priesthood.
Let us remind, on the eve of the opening of the working part of the session, Monday, February 14th, the bishops celebrated the Eucharist in the Cathedral of Mary Mother of the Church in Mostar. The Holy Mass was led by Archbishop Vukšić, and the appropriate sermon was given by Msgr. Puljić.
Press conference
At the end of the regular annual joint session of BK BiH and HBK, a press conference was organized at which Msgr. Vukšić, Msgr. Puljić and the host, Bishop Palić, spoke. In his address, Archbishop Vukšić, thanking journalists for their interest in church topics and events, reminded that joint sessions of these two conferences are usually dominated by topics of common interest. On that occasion, Archbishop Puljić said that the bishops experience these meetings with a special sense of community. Bishop Palić pointed out that they perceive the arrival of bishops from Croatia as support in solving all the problems they face in BiH, and thanked them. Journalist’s questions followed.
When asked about the Election Law, Archbishop Vukšić clarified that the Church is not a political interlocutor. “It is an evangelistic mission, not a political one, to warn that human rights are endangered (…) And in this context, the Church will not get tired of warning about this topic here or anywhere else in the world”, Archbishop Vukšić explained and pointed out that bishops stand for the rights of all believers, not just Catholics.
Asked to assess Croatia’s support for Croats in BiH, Archbishop Puljić said he had no precise insight into the state’s assistance, but said he was sincerely happy to feel that Croatia cared for Croats, whether in BiH or in the diaspora.
Mostar – February 16, 2022