Spiritual exercises for priests themed: Spiritual growth of priests, in the parish of St. Mark at Plehan in Bosanian Posavina were held from 16th to 22nd February, and were led by the Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka Msgr. Marko Semren.
Along with the Guardian OFM Anto Tomas and the Dean of Derventa OFM Ivan Marić 14 more priests participated.
In his speeches, Bishop Semren emphasized that spiritual exercises for priests are needed for them to become better, to repair certain defects, and to be filled with saving thoughts. He spoke with great zeal and testimony over the five days about the importance of meeting with the living Jesus, the choice of spiritual calling, the spiritual growth of priests by biblical examples, the priest as an educator of God’s people, how to recognize God’s will in life, and obstacles on the path of holiness and life in Christ.
After the penance worship service on February 20th, in which Msgr. Semren repeated to the priests that, as Christ’s representatives, they were called, especially in the sacrament of reconciliation – not to be strict or condescending, but to be merciful like the Samaritan, followed a Holy Mass celebration that ended the spiritual exercises.
On February 19th, Bishop Semren blessed a sanitary vehicle donated by the Orašje County Hospital to Plehan parish.
This is not a coincidence, because the Plehan Franciscans are often “forced” to be more than spiritual guides because of the social structure of the returnees.
Plehan – February 21, 2020