In the parish of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vidoši on May 8th, a spiritual renewal for young people and a reception to Frama was held.
The ceremony began with a Holy Mass led by the head of the Frama of Bosna Srebrena, OFM Davor Petrović, in concelebration with parish priest, OFM Ivan Kasalo. The prayer of the faithful was prepared by OFM Ćiril Lovrić.
After the homily, 34 young people from the parish community attended the ceremony. The singing was animated by young people in the choir Sveta Ana, and they were joined by young people from the surrounding parishes. After the Holy Mass, there was a joint photo shoot and socializing.
By the way, the spiritual renewal, as an overture for this event, began on Friday, May 7th, with a lecture for young people and a Eucharistic celebration led by the parish priest of Duvno, OFM Slaven Brekalo. The singing was animated by the choir of the Frama Sveta Cecilija.
In his lecture, OFM Slaven emphasized the importance of prayer in the life of today’s people and the need to truly follow Jesus Christ in everyday life. He spoke about the joy that today’s people need and about the Cross of Jesus Christ in which they should seek strength.
Livno – Vidoši – May 8, 2021