The Seventh Family Day in BiH was solemnly celebrated

On Sunday, July 28th, the Seventh Family Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Fourth World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly were solemnly celebrated in the overflowing parish church of the Holy Family in Kupres.
The Eucharist was celebrated and led by the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno and the Apostolic Administrator of Trebinje-Mrkan, Msgr. Petar Palić together with the Archbishop of Vrhbosna Metropolitan Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, and with the concelebration of the Vicar General of the Vrhbosna Archdiocese, Msgr. Slađan Ćosić, local parish priest, rev. Tomo Mlakić and about 10 other priests.
Before the beginning of the Holy Mass, parish priest of Kupres, rev. Mlakić greeted those present, among whom were married couples celebrating their 25th, 50th and 60th wedding anniversaries. He sent a special greeting to Anđa and Anto Čičak, who are celebrating 70 summers of marriage.
What is a family?
In the appropriate sermon, Msgr. Palić thought about what a family is and how it has a formative effect on a person during his upbringing and life in general.
“Sociologically speaking, family is first of all a group of people who belong together, by biological connection, marriage or free choice. It is a group of people living together under one roof or scattered all over the world, with two people or a hundred.
If we ask people what family means to them, then we could give the answer using the concepts we associate with family: responsibility, love, trust, support, security. On the other hand, a lot of pain, violence and hatred happens especially in families. This is why the saying was born: ‘Home/family is the most dangerous place in the world, because that’s where the most terrible things happen!’ It should also be said that an honest, authentic real home and family are the place and source of many blessings”, Bishop Petar pointed out, stressing that “the family is our destiny.”
He then referred to biblical characters that show that the Bible presents the story of humanity as a family story from the beginning. “Biblical narratives show us that our family circumstances affect the situation in which people find themselves and how they behave towards each other”, said the bishop of Mostar-Duvno, emphasizing that the way a person deals with family conflicts affects whether people and nations are blessed and in peace.
No one lives for himself
He then referred to the proclaimed word of God, explaining that the first human vocation is “to be human” and how this makes him a member of the family, and that the second vocation is “to be a Christian”, which also makes him a member of the family, but of the larger one – the Church. The bishop then pointed out that everyone grew up with “bruises”, but that one should learn to live with dignity and harmony in the relationship with nature, with oneself, with others and with God, “and this is first learned in the family”. That is why he called for society and the Church to provide parents with security, incentive and encouragement.
He then mentioned the event of July 26th at the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris, where Christianity was “mocked and humiliated”, and he pointed out that “Christians were rightly sensitive and critical”. “However, this is also a sign. On the one hand, that today’s man is hungry for Christ and all the values that do not pass today in the circumstances of life. On the other hand, it is an invitation to all Christians to live honestly, authentically and witness to our Christian commitment”, said Mgr. Majić at the end, encouraging to give an answer to the question “do we follow Jesus as a crowd at that time for our external, material benefit?” Or do we follow him by faith, believing that he is our Savior”?
After the homily, the bishop baptized little Ante Šarić.
Celebrations of marital union
After the parish announcements, Archbishop Tomo blessed those present who celebrated their silver, gold, diamond and platinum wedding jubilee. Half a century of marriage vows were celebrated by: Mara and Ivo Lučić (Podmilačje), Kata and Mirko Kuštro (Kupres), Mara and Jakiša Bošković (Blagaj-Buna), Ruža and Nikola Šunjić (Mostar) and Ljubica and Drago Krišto (Tomislavgrad). The diamond jubilee was celebrated by Ana and Zdravko Pandža (Mostar), and the platinum by Anđa and Ante Čičak (Kupres).
A quarter of a century since the conclusion of the sacramental marriage was marked by 12 couples.
The liturgical singing was animated by the choir of the parish of St. John the Baptist from Lug-Brankovići.
Holy Mass at the eve of the Family day
The Eucharistic celebration on the eve of the Seventh Family Day and the Fourth Day of Grandparents and Elderly Persons on Saturday, July 27th in the Church of the Holy Family in Kupres was led by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Msgr. Tomo Vukšić with the concelebration of nine priests.
In an appropriate sermon, Archbishop Tomo noted that together with the Family Day, the Day of Grandparents and the Elderly is also celebrated, and, among other things, he conveyed the Pope’s message that “the entire Holy Scriptures tell of God’s faithful love for everyone, from which comes comforting security that God continues to always show his mercy to all people, at every age and in every situation they find themselves in, even in the betrayals of man”.
He also interpreted how, against the phenomena of loneliness and rejection and the associated feeling of disappointment, which are common in the world today and are the result of various circumstances, choices and causes, Pope Francis concluded and urged: “Let us oppose, to the selfish attitude that leads to rejection and loneliness, an open heart and joyful face of one who has the courage to say: ‘I will not leave you!’ and choose a different path.”
After the Holy Mass, Msgr. Vukšić led the Eucharistic adoration, for which appropriate texts were prepared by the Commissioner for Marriage and Family of the Vrhbosna Archdiocese, Rev. Ante Vrhovac.