The 14th meeting of the Bishops of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BK BiH) with the members of the Conference of High monk Leaders and the Head sisters of BiH was held on May 29th in the premises of the Archdiocese’s Ordinary of Vrhbosna in Sarajevo.
The meeting was chaired by the Archbishop of Vrhbosna cardinal Vinko Puljić, the president of BK BiH. Most of the members of the BK BiH participated, as well as two Franciscan provincials, three provincial superiors and one deputy, as well as eight representatives of religious communities operating in BiH that have their provincial headquarters outside of BiH.
After reviewing the last year’s meeting, which was held in the same place on April 25th 2018. on the subject of spiritual vocations, the participants considered the central theme dedicated to missions, missionaries and missionary activities in the spirit of the missionary year for the entire Church in BiH, which runs from the beginning of October 2018. and ends in the Extraordinary Mission month of October 2019.
The experience of her seven-year missionary activity in West African state Guinea-Bissau was presented by sister of the order of Adorers of Christ’s Blood, Magdalena Šokić, an employee of the Secretariat of the BK BiH.
All the participants of the session, briefly reported on missionary work and missionary activities at the level of their dioceses and provinces: the Vrhbosna Archdiocese, and Dioceses of Banja Luka, Mostar-Duvno and Trebinje Mrkan, then the Franciscan Provinces of St. Cross – Bosna Srebrena, Franciscan province of Herzegovina- the Assumption of the BVM, the Franciscan School Sisters of the Bosnian- Croatian province of the Immaculate heart of Mary, the sisters Servants of the Little Jesus of the Province of the Immaculate Conception of BVM (Sarajevo), the Franciscan School Sisters of Christ the King of the Province of the Holy Family (Mostar) and sisters of Saint Vincent de Paul’s province of the Divine Mother of God (Sarajevo).
About their missionary work, also informed the representatives of monks and nuns who have their provincial headquarters in the Republic of Croatia: the Adorers of the Blood of Christ of the Region of Zagreb, the Daughter of God’s love of the Croatian Province of God’s Providence, the Croatian Province of the Ursulines of Roman union in BiH, Daughters of Mercy of the Province of Christ the King, the Croatian Salezian Province of St. Giovanni Bosco, Croatian Dominican Provinces of the Annunciation of BVM, Croatian Carmelite Province of St. Joseph and the Croatian Provinces of the Society of Jesus.
The bishops, on this occasion as well, repeated their call to all members of their diocesan communities in the Joint epistle from September 21st 2018., on the occasion of the proclamation of the Missionary Year to: organize lectures and promotion of missions by parishes and church institutions in cooperation with the National Administration of Papal Missionary acts and Diocesan missionary offices; that parishioners use the presence of missionaries to animate the missionary work of the Church.
The participants of the meeting were also acquainted with the celebration of the important jubilee of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the famous Trapist Monastery – Marija Zvijezda, which will be held on June 21st and 22nd 2019. in Banja Luka.
Sarajevo, 30. May 2019.