Anniversary of the death of an exemplary priest, a determined proclaimer of the gospel and a brave sufferer for the faith, Msgr. Branimir Župančić (1912.-1990.), 30th in a row, was celebrated in Banja Luka on February 10th.
First at the church, the church rector mr. Pero Ivan Grgić, led the Holy Mass for the deceased, and then a lecture under the title Msgr. Branimir Župančić, priest and martyr for the faith, was held by Msgr. Anto Orlovac, Vicar of Diocese for Martyrology.
He cited the principal life stations of late Župančić, who was born in Srebrenica in 1912., grew up in Banja Luka, completed seminary education and formation in Travnik and Sarajevo, where he was ordained a priest in 1935., and worked in Banja Luka, Bosanska Gradiška and Mrkonjić Grad. He focused specifically on his posture in World War II when he was parish priest in Bosanska Gradiška, his arrest in 1945. and his unjust sentence of 18 years in prison.
After the presentation, the most recent book of Msgr. Orlovac was presented: Žrtvoslov bosanskogradiškog dekanata, Gubitci župa bosanskogradiškog dekanata u Drugom svjetskom ratu i poraću (Book of sacrifices of the Deanery of Bosanska Gradiška, Losses of the Parishes of Bosanska Gradiška Deanery in World War II and afterwar). The book was spoken of by Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka Msgr. Marko Semren and prof. OFM Velimir Blažević.
Sarajevo – February 11, 2020