On Sunday, July 25th, in the crowded parish church of the Holy Family in Kupres, the 4th Family Day in BiH was solemnly celebrated, under the motto Family – a testimony of joyful love.
The Eucharist was led by the President of the BK BiH, the Archbishop of Vrhbosna, cardinal Vinko Puljić together with the Archbishop Coadjutor of Vrhbosna Msgr. Tomo Vukšić and the President of the Family Council of the BK BiH and the Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Marko Semren, OFM.
During the Holy Mass, the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly was celebrated, which, at the invitation of Pope Francis, is celebrated around the world on the fourth Sunday in July.
Before the beginning of the Holy Mass, the parish priest of Kupres, rev. Mlakić greeted those present and those who followed the Eucharistic celebration through the waves of the Radio Television Herceg Bosna and Radio Marija BiH and other TV and radio stations. He especially greeted grandparents and the elderly and thanked them “for their testimony of faith and fidelity”. He asked the abandoned and lonely old people, on behalf of the younger ones and those who are in full force, for forgiveness for the unanswered love.
Introducing to the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Cardinal greeted those gathered, congratulated the Family Day and to all those who celebrate the jubilee of their marriage. He thanked the media workers for the live broadcast and congratulated everyone who is named after St. James the Apostle, whose memorial is celebrated on July 25th. He especially called for prayer for grandparents and the elderly.
To restore the joy of family togetherness
After the gospel was preached, cardinal Vinko in his sermon reminded of the words of St. John that God is love. “We know that true love never closes in on itself, but is given as a gift. The Triune God who is love wanted to share divine love. So he created man – male and female and gave them the task of having children. This is the first commandment in Scripture. Why? Because God, who is love, created people in his own image and likeness. The fruit of that love are children who are born in the cooperation of their parents with God to bring life to this world. That is why we need to be brave and not allow ourselves to be deceived, seduced and confused by these, ‘in the name of democracy’, attitudes that are against these laws of God. We want to bring the dignity of the family back to consciousness in a special way on this Day. It is God’s gift, God’s institution and we must value it”, said the Archbishop of Vrhbosna at the beginning and, recalling the Gospel passage which shows how Jesus miraculously feeds many people, pointed out the need to “feed the love that God has woven into man by creation”.
“That is why we want to mark the jubilee of the 25th and 50th year of marriage. First of all, we thank God because it is God’s gift. It is God’s gift that we may cooperate with God and bring lives to this world in that love, but also pray that this fire of love lives and burns so that we never give up in God’s love”, said cardinal Vinko then referred to the mentality of selfishness. “You are aware that the mentality of selfishness has entered: I will not suffer with children, two children is enough for me. And then we have selfish society. We wonder when they come to power and react selfishly. No wonder because they were raised for selfishness. How many times can it be said: I will not have my child suffer if I have suffered. There is no one who has succeeded in life if he has not suffered”, said the Archbishop of Vrhbosna and pointed out that by mentioning the day of grandparents, “we must restore the joy of family togetherness”.
Explaining that the family is the first seminary where future priests, monks and nuns are educated, he pointed out what it would mean if there were no presbyters: “We would lose ourselves and our identity. That is why it is necessary to pray for new vocations. No wonder Jesus called, ‘Ask the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest’.”
He further encouraged those present for this day to “establish them in the appreciation of God’s gifts, the sanctity of marriage, life, family togetherness and cooperation, but also the need to nurture our faith and love so that we have something to burn and live from”. “Let us not be confused by public opinion, politics or any freedom that gives itself the right to break God’s law. We keep God’s word so we won’t get lost. That is why I want this celebration to strengthen us in a firm faith and mission so that each of us achieves what God entrusts to him”, the Cardinal said at the end.
Baptism and the sharing of apostolic blessings
After the sermon, the Archbishop of Vrhbosna blessed those present who celebrated the silver and wedding jubilee. At the end of the Holy Mass, he shared the apostolic blessings for 35 married couples who came to the church in Kupres to mark 25 years of marriage and for one married couple – Stipe and Ruža Kovač – who celebrated their golden jubilee.
Liturgical singing was animated by the ethnic group Čuvarice from Prozor under the direction of Biljana Glibo.
After the Holy Mass, there was a gathering in the crypt and in front of the church.
The day before, Msgr. Semren in the evening of July 24th in the Church of the Holy Family, celebrated the Eucharist on the eve of the 4th Family Day in BiH and the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly. “This Day is filled with congratulations and gratitude for all present here and many others who are in a way connected with families and with us through electronic means of communication. God in his love wants to reach every man and every member of the family, said bishop Marko.
The Mass was followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, which was also animated by bishop Marko. The motto of the worship was Croatian people in BiH praying for life. The faithful of the parish of Kupres read the occasional reflections composed by the auxiliary bishop of Banja Luka, and the meditative liturgical songs were sung by the parish youth choir of Kupres.
During the adoration, among other things, four reflections from the Apostolic Exhortation Patris corde (By Father’s Heart) of Pope Francis were read.
Kupres – July 26, 2021