The Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BK BiH) on March 18th and 19th, in the premises of the Ordinariate in Mostar, chaired by the Archbishop of Vrhbosna, cardinal Vinko Puljić, President of BK BiH, held its 80th regular session.
Greetings and an introductory speech were given by cardinal Puljić, who reminded that the first official session of the BK BiH took place in Mostar from January 27th to 29th 1995. Thanking the host, the Bishop of Mostar-Duvno and the Apostolic Administrator of Trebinje-Mrkan, Msgr. Petar Palić greeted the members of the BK BiH: the Archbishop Coadjutor of Vrhbosna and the Apostolic Administrator of the Military Ordinariate in BiH, Msgr. Tomo Vukšić; Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica; Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Marko Semren and the Secretary General of the BK BiH, Msgr. Ivo Tomašević.
He also mentioned that the Apostolic Visitator with a special role for the parish of Međugorje, Archbishop in Peace Msgr. Henryk Hoser, who is currently in his native Poland, and that due to the pandemic, the delegate of the Italian Bishops’ Conference could not come.
The participants were then welcomed by Bishop Palić, and then the Cardinal briefly commented on the daily and stressed that on the socio-political level “we cannot fail to mention the unpleasant event during which, under the ‘hat’ of alleged anti-fascism, proponents of the communist system showed all hatred and aggressive behavior towards the Church”. “They wanted to forbid us to pray for all those who died in the war and post-war period”, said the Archbishop of Vrhbosna.
Catholic education and PMD BiH
After hearing the annual report on the work of the Pedagogical Council of Catholic Schools for Europe, the bishops gave the necessary guidelines for its further action. They were also informed about the numerous difficulties that the Diocese of Banja Luka faces as the founder in financing Catholic schools in Bihać and Banja Luka due to the unwillingness of cantonal and entity authorities to include them in their budget as well as all other schools.
During the presentation of the annual pastoral and financial report on the work of the Mission Centre and Pontifical Mission Work (PMD) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the bishops were informed that restrictions during the current coronavius pandemic made it impossible to hold an annual meeting of missionaries and individual missionary actions, but numerous actions were continued with respecting of epidemiological measures. The bishops gave guidelines to the PMD BiH administration regarding the coordination of the list of missionaries in the way that the Congregation for the Evangelization of people did. They agreed that the Commission for the Religion science of the BK BiH should take over for the area of the BK BiH the document of the Council for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference (HBK) entitled Charismatic Movement and Renewal in the Spirit in the Catholic Church.
Members of the BK BiH for the new president of the Council for the Clergy and the Council for Catechesis and New Evangelization of the BK BiH, which was previously led by the retired bishop Msgr. Ratko Perić, elected Msgr. Petar Palić, who will also be a member of the BK BiH Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Different reports were listened to
The Bishops then heard the annual reports on the work of the following Councils and Commissions of the BK BiH: the Liturgy Council, the Council for Theological Seminaries and the Council for Small Seminaries, the Commission for the Doctrine of Faith, the Council for Ecumenism and Dialogue between Religions and Cultures, the Council for Social Media, the Family Council, the Justitia et pax Commission, the Lay Council and the Youth Committee, and the Secretariat and the Catholic Press Agency of the BK BiH.
The bishops agreed that the Fourth Family Day will be, as in previous years, in the parish church of the Holy Family in Kupres on Sunday, July 25th, and that everyone who celebrates the 25th or 50th or 60th anniversary of marriage this year will be invited to that day.
It was also agreed that the Eighth Inter-deanery Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 29th, in the premises of the Archdiocesan Seminary Petar Barbarić in Travnik.
The issue of migrants
Discussing the growing influx of migrants in BiH, the bishops expressed their support for the efforts of all charitable, humanitarian and other organizations that seek to help take care of these people during their stay in BiH. Special thanks to all employees of Caritas Bosnia and Herzegovina and diocesan Caritas for providing assistance to these people in need. At the same time, they encourage all levels of government in BiH to work together to find the best ways to care for these people during their stay, while respecting their human dignity and human rights, but also to prevent illegal activities and residence.
They join the constant invitation of church and other representatives to help people in such countries, especially those threatened with extinction, especially Christian communities, to survive on their own land and live in their dignity.
Pastoral action in the time of coronavirus
Reflecting on pastoral action at the time of the pandemic, the bishops thanked all those who use the many technological possibilities at this time to transmit liturgical events. They are aware that this has helped create an awareness that the family is the “home Church” in which Jesus should dwell through listening to God’s word, prayer, and acts of love.
However, they point out that the celebration of the sacraments essentially requires both physical, personal presence and active participation, and receiving Jesus alive, because a screen or a speaker cannot create communion between two separate realities.
The bishops encourage pastoral workers and other people with open hearts to proclaim and witness the word of God more zealously, especially in the Year of the Word of God in BiH, and to pray the Horologion of the People of God and other common prayers.
During Lent, they invite members of their diocesan communities to stay away from the dangers of sharing the liturgy and life, and encourage them to witness their love for God in their daily lives by acts of charity. One of the forms of that love is the responsibility of everyone in behaviour during the current pandemic.
By the way, the members of the BK BiH in the first part of the session were joined by the delegate of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference, the Archbishop of Split and Makarska and metropolitan Msgr. Marin Barišić. He reported on the most important church events in Croatia and conveyed words of gratitude to the bishops and believers from BiH for their help to the victims of the recent earthquake.
Also, during the session with the bishops, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Msgr. Luigi Pezzuto, who informed the bishops that due to the refusal of some government representatives, even a Joint Commission for the implementation of the Basic Agreement between BiH and the Holy See and an additional protocol to the Basic Agreement, have not been formed.
The newly appointed Bishop of Kotor, Msgr. Ivan Štironja thanked for the support and congratulations.
The regular session of the BK BiH concluded on the feast of St. Joseph when members of the BK BiH celebrated Holy Mass in the afternoon in the Mostar Cathedral.
The patron saint of the Mostar-Duvno diocese is celebrated
With the solemn Eucharist in honor of St. Joseph, in the evening of March 19th, the heavenly patron of the Mostar-Duvno diocese was celebrated in the Cathedral of Mary – Mother of the Church in Mostar. Holy Mass was led by cardinal Vinko Puljić together with the members of the BK BiH and with the concelebration of ten priests, among whom were the Vicar General from Mostar, Msgr. Željko Majić and the Vicar of the Herzegovina Franciscan Province, OFM Iko Skoko.
Greetings to those present “on the feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of the Church, the Croatian people and the Mostar-Duvno diocese” were said by Msgr. Palić.
In his homily, Bishop Palić reminded that on the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8th 2020, Pope Francis sent the Apostolic Letter Patris corde and opened the Year of St. Joseph on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph the patron saint of the Church. “Although at first glance of the Gospel, Joseph is portrayed as a ‘second-class’ saint and a ‘dream man’, from God’s word and Joseph’s conduct we conclude that he is, in his silence and doing God’s will, a man of deeds, not words”, said, among other things, Bishop Palić.
Liturgical singing was animated by the Cathedral Mixed Choir Marija.
Press conference
A press conference on the topics and conclusions of the 80th regular session of the members of the BK BiH was held on March 19th in the premises of the Episcopal Ordinariate in Mostar. Cardinal Puljić and the host bishop Msgr. Palić spoke.
After the statement from the session was read, Cardinal Puljić addressed the media and thanked them for their readiness to inform the public credibly about the conclusions of the session. Bishop Palić then addressed the media and reported that part of the session was dedicated to migrants and the pandemic.
After the review, Cardinal Puljić and Bishop Palić were open to questions from journalists.
Asked to comment on the process of implementation of the Basic Agreement signed between BiH and the Holy See, Cardinal Puljić said that there was almost no cooperation between the state authorities and stated that some ministries do not even respond to the letters sent to them about this topic.
When asked about the influx of believers into Međugorje, Bishop Palić reminded that the apostolic visitor of the Holy See, Msgr. Hoser who is currently in Poland, is in charge of that parish.
Asked to comment on the way in which government officials responded to the challenges of the pandemic, the Cardinal said it was painful to experience people dying while politicians were “trying tu outsmart each other”. On this occasion, he expressed his gratitude and recognition to all doctors and medical staff who selflessly care and act in this time of pandemic.
Mostar – March 19, 2021