Caritas of BiH, Caritas of Diocese of Banja Luka and Caritas of the Dioceses of Mostar – Duvno and Trebinje – Mrkan opened, within the framework of YOUR JOB project, on October 7th and 9th two youth employment counselling centres – in Banja Luka and Mostar.
Local Project Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Miroslav Valenta, emphasized that only through joint efforts can one contribute to a more effective solution to youth employment issues.
A counselling centre for youth employment was opened in Banja Luka at the address of Caritas of Diocese of Banja Luka, and in Mostar at: Centre for Children, Youth and Family SPES – Zagrebačka 8.
YOUR JOB – Youth Overcoming Unemployment Regionally through Job Opportunities on the Balkans, (Regional project for support of the young people with employment in the Balkans) funded by the Austrian Development Agency and Caritas of Austria, is a new Caritas project to support young people in their job search over the next three years.
The Austrian development agency ADA and Caritas of Austria will invest 725 158 KM in the next three years to realize the project.
Banja Luka/Mostar, 9. October 2019.