On the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on December 8th, in the parish church of Marija Zvijezda in Banja Luka, the Eucharist was celebrated by the Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Franjo Komarica in concelebration with several priests, among whom was the parish priest rev. Zvonko Topić.
In his homily, the bishop interpreted the liturgical readings and the unique role of the “chosen one by God in the history of salvation”, the Immaculate Virgin Mary. He explained that God’s love for his beloved creature – man, has been guaranteed since the time of the fatal “disobedience” of the first people, and that this love and mercy reached its peak precisely through the sinless person of the conceived Virgin and Virgin Mary. He also emphasized God’s universal intention to save all peoples and nations. “Thus, by Mary’s ready participation in God’s intention, the Son of God, the Savior of the whole human race, is embodied, and Mary is the Mother of all people and all nations”, said Msgr. Komarica.
At the end of the Holy Mass, the bishop prayed a special consecration prayer in front of the image of Our Lady of All Nations, which was solemnly displayed near the ambon.
Banja Luka – December 8, 2020