In the beginning of the Lent, a specific spiritual renewal of the pastoral priests and all parish communities in the Diocese of Banja Luka began with piety to Divine Mercy.
On Ash Wednesday, priests from all over the diocese gathered at their regular spiritual-pastoral meeting at the Diocese’s spiritual-pastoral centre Sv. Josip (St. Joseph) in the village of Lištane in the Livno region. Bishops Franjo Komarica and Marko Semren also attended the meeting. The main lecture was given by a long-time missionary of Divine Mercy from Poland, Vitold Piotr Pietrasinki.
It was an introduction to the “pilgrimage” of the picture of the Merciful Jesus to all parishes of the Banja Luka Diocese. Each parish priest and parish vicar received concrete material for their own better information and formation, and instructions for encouraging their parishioners to personally accept all the usual official instructions regarding the treating of the Merciful Jesus in their environment. For all the families of the entire diocese, a picture of the Merciful Jesus – in format A2 was printed, along with the text of the Blessing of the World from the Holy Pope John Paul II, and instruction about the promise of the Merciful Jesus to all who are trusting the Divine Mercy.
On the First Lent Sunday, the unique “journey of the image” of the Merciful Jesus began through the parishes. The first was the parish of Prnjavor, which is under pastoral care of parish priest and dean Msgr. Vlado Lukenda.
For the “pilgrimage” of the picture of Merciful Jesus, booklets with appropriate content are planned.
This entire spiritual-pastoral project that will last until Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday), or until Divine Mercy Sunday (White Sunday), is supported by the Nazareth Foundation from Zagreb, whose spiritual patron is Bishop Franjo.
The picture will “travel” through the parishes of Prnjavor, Bosanska Gradiška, Bihać, Livno, Jajce, and in the end of Banja Luka deaneries.
Banja Luka, 11. March 2019.