The opportunity for BiH to join the European family should not be missed

Appeal to domestic politicians of the Justitia et Pax Commission of the BK of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On February 26th, the Commission Justitia et Pax (Justice and Peace) of the Bishops’ Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BK BiH) sent its Appeal to domestic politicians, but also to the entire domestic public regarding the current political situation with an emphasis on the process of opening the accessing negotiations with the EU.
The appeal was signed by the president of the Commission Justitia et Pax Msgr. Franjo Komarica, bishop of Banja Luka in peace and apostolic administrator, who noted that “The Commission is aware of the obligations of the Catholic Church to serve people in all their dimensions and contribute to those goals that promote the common good of our society.” We are bringing the entire appeal:
It is common knowledge that our country Bosnia and Herzegovina is experiencing its historical moments regarding the future of its inhabitants these days. It – both as a country and as a society – is facing a unique, precious opportunity for accessing negotiations with the European Union, that is, before entering a new part of the process from which the common “home” of European civilization, culture, solidarity and economic progress can be seen more closely. Although at the same time this does not mean participating in all the benefits of that community of states – where many of our fellow citizens of all nationalities, after the last war, found their new place to live – it is nevertheless an important step towards a better future for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On this path, it is understandable that other inhabitants of that European “home” rightly expect those who represent all the inhabitants of our country to show a positive, prudent and mutually uniform way of understanding, defending and promoting all those fundamental values that are in accordance with European civilizational and legal norms.
The occasion should not be missed
We believe that being part of a united, not only economic market, but also a cultural milieu such as the European Union, should be the priority task of all political representatives who say that their first priority is the welfare of the country and its citizens. This concern of politicians must not be only declarative. We share the justified demand of the entire BiH society towards the political representatives of the government, that our country should not miss the opportunity that is being offered to it regarding the opening of accessing negotiations with the EU.
The Commission is aware of the obligation of the Catholic Church to serve man in all his dimensions and to contribute to those goals that promote the common good of our society (cf. GS 75). It is not necessary to remind how important this moment is for our country and all its citizens. In addition to what has been said, it is also reflected in the fact that the current strained mutual political relations and constant tensions with threats of a new war and secession would certainly lose their intensity and importance.
BiH is an integral part of Europe
This is especially important when you bear in mind that, unfortunately, in BiH society, the public space has been dominated for a long time by political representatives and political programs that cause insecurity and fear in a considerable number of our fellow citizens and that result in a worrying apathy regarding their own lives and a constructive contribution that is needed for the overall construction of our country. Through continuous flammable political messages, those who believe and hope that it is possible to create a civilized European democracy from Bosnia and Herzegovina are further discouraged. Such negative policies and political messages should not be glossed over, especially at a time when a significant number of our fellow citizens and entire families are thinking about leaving their native region and homeland.
Giving “praise and respect” to those of our fellow citizens who have taken on the burden of responsibility and standing up for the common good and hold public offices, we remind you that they are rightly expected to behave unconditionally and with integrity that corresponds to their service.
We believe that this historical moment requires all personal and party interests to be put aside and, bearing in mind the common good, to be unequivocally determined and do everything so that our country Bosnia and Herzegovina does not remain outside the political, economic and cultural community of European nations.
We remind you that during his apostolic visit to Sarajevo in 2015, Pope Francis emphasized that Bosnia and Herzegovina is “an integral part of Europe”. “Her successes and dramas completely fit into the history of European successes and dramas, and at the same time they are a great warning to invest all available forces so that the peace processes that have started become stronger and more stable”, he told the members of the BiH Presidency at the time.
And that it undoubtedly belongs to Europe is testified not only by many of our fellow citizens who have already built their new home in one of the EU countries, but also by our past, which confirms that – despite various omissions and failures – everything good that has happened in history and what society participates in today is the result of living within the framework of European civilization, not any other.
This is why we give our wholehearted support and ask the dear God, the ruler of the earth, peoples and history, to give his help to those forces that will strive wholeheartedly so that our country does not remain in the sides civilization but, by opening new perspectives, to give effect to the hope that life here can live in peace and prosperity and build a society of trust, honesty and all kinds of progress.
Sarajevo, February 26th, 2024.