On the feast of the heavenly patroness of the sisters of the Society of Missionaries of Charity, St. Mother Teresa, on September 5th, the newly built Chapel of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is situated in the very centre of Banja Luka, was blessed.
The rite of blessing, as well as the solemn Holy Mass, was led by the Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka, Msgr. Marko Semren, OFM, and five other priests concelebrated.
After the procession entrance, the treasurer of the Banja Luka diocese, Msgr. Ivica Božinović, congratulating the sisters on the feast of their saint, dedicated to those present the way in which the chapel was built thanks to the contributions of not only Catholics, but Orthodox and Muslims.
The introductory speech was followed by a blessing ceremony for the chapel.
In his homily, the bishop brought closer to those present the meaning of the word that could be constantly heard in Holy Mass readings, but also the word that was once a kind of stronghold of St. Mother Teresa, and that is: love.
By the way, the chapel is the idea of the architect Dario Pleša. What makes it special in the area of Banja Luka, but also beyond, is that it is a place of permanent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
Banja Luka – Septembe 12, 2021