In the health and tourism centre “Banja Vrućica” near Teslić, with the blessing of the archbishop of Vrhbosna, Msgr. Tomo Vukšić, from January 5th to 7th, an annual meeting of young people was held in the organization of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Holy Spirit (KKODS) of BiH and Croatia.
The theme of this year’s meeting was Healthy Spirituality, and about 500 young people from parishes and prayer communities from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and from the Diocese of Subotica participated. This time too, young families with children were not missing, which gave a special touch to the meeting.
First day
The gathering began on Friday with a Holy Mass celebration in the parish church of St. Joseph in Teslić, which was led by the Franciscan of Bosna Srebrena from Visoko, OFM Zvonko Benković, with the concelebration of the Teslić parish priest, rev. Pavo Šekerija, and the Franciscan from Herzegovina and parish vicar in Drinovci, OFM Dario Galić.
At the beginning of the meeting in Banja Vrućica, Šekerija from Teslić, leader of community Nanovo rođeni (Born again) Mišo Lukenda, until recently the national youth coordinator of the KKODS of Croatia Matija Ricov and the national youth coordinator of the KKODS of Bosnia and Herzegovina Toni Župarić welcomed all present.
This year’s program was prepared and animated by two charismatic prayer communities from Zagreb: Nanovo rođeni (Born Again) and Božja pobjeda (God’s Victory). The overall program included several nuns from several societies who came to accompany the young people, while the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross offered to babysit and entertain small children who came to meet with their parents.
The celebration was followed by Matija Rico’s opening theme, “Healthy spirituality is a testimony in today’s time”.
In the evening part of the program on the first day, the head of the prayer community Božja pobjeda Maroje Burum, gave a speech on the topic Are there healthy charismatics?
Second day
The next day’s program began with a celebration, followed by a lecture by the famous Salesian, rev. Damir Stojić, who spoke about the catechesis of St. Pope John Paul II. on the theology of the body.
This was followed by work in two groups: one – intended for married partners and fiancés – touched on Healthy Sexuality in Marriage, and the other – intended for young people – Healthy Sexuality in Youth. The first group was witnessed by the married couple Marija and Marko Blagović, well-known to the future Catholic public as they were among the first to publicly testify about living a life of premarital chastity. The second group was animated by Timon Pavlić and Matija Šafran, young leaders of the THS (Teen Holy Spirit) youth program, focused on working with teenagers.
Since it was the feast of the Epiphany, the Holy Mass celebration in the parish church in Teslić was led by rev. Damir, in concelebration with OFM Zvonko and OFM Dario, and there was also the possibility for Holy confession.
In the continuation, the recently elected new leadership of KKODS Croatia – KKODS national coordinator Niko Rončević and his deputy Petar Jurčević, came to support this meeting and addressed the participants.
Then there were two separate panel discussions: one for girls – Healthy Christian Woman and the other for young men – Healthy Christian Man. Ana and Marija Buljan and Ivona Turić led a conversation with the girls, presenting their personal experiences and reflections on an intimate relationship with God, crises, mistakes, commitment and trust.
Mišo Lukenda, Matija Ricov and Ante Bilaver addressed the young men, talking about the importance of authority and the male role in the spiritual life of the family, protecting and raising children.
This was followed by the testimony of Ante Bilaver and a speech on the topic of Identity healing.
Third day
On Sunday morning, Mišo Lukenda gave two final lectures. First, he spoke about a healthy attitude towards the Church in today’s time, and then about a healthy attitude towards authorities.
After lunch, all participants went to the Holy Mass celebration at the shrine of Our Lady of Kondžilo in Komušina, where they were welcomed and greeted by the parish priest and guardian of the shrine, rev. Boris Salapić.
The Holy Mass celebration on Sunday of the Baptism of the Lord was led by OFM Zvonko, who in his homily touched on the beauty of meeting others, service and fellowship. He encouraged everyone to pour the grace they carry on the environment they live in, to go out into the world and spread the Good News to everyone in love.
After the Holy Mass, everyone dedicated themselves to Mary in prayer in front of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Kondžilo.