On the first Sunday of Advent, November 29th, during the Holy Mass at the Franciscan Theology in Nedžarići, Auxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka Msgr. dr. Marko Semren ordained eight Franciscan theologians as deacons.
The concelebration with Bishop Semren was attended by the Provincial of the Franciscan Province of Bosna Srebrena, OFM Jozo Marinčić, and about 20 priests. On the eve of the Holy Mass, the host, the guardian of the monastery of St. Paul in Nedžarići, OFM dr. Mile Babić greeted those present and especially thanked Bishop Marko.
After the candidates were presented for the order of deacons, and the believers expressed their gratitude to God for this act, the auxiliary bishop of Banja Luka sent a homily.
Addressing the ordained, he said that each ordination is a moving moment for the whole Church, and especially for the local one, and that each ordination was preceded by vocations and an educational walk. “It is the same with our deacons. God calls in a variety of ways in unpredictable life situations. The invited one felt something stronger than himself, stronger than his childhood and youthful dreams, plans and ideals. It’s usually a barely noticeable whisper. You need to listen to it well, strain your attention, if you want to hear it. God’s voice is never a command. It is a call for free radical choice. By calling, God guarantees his presence as a friendly force and support in temptations, the courage that the called one can give testimony of Him”, said bishop Marko.
After the sermon, the candidates for ordination expressed their readiness to accept the consecrated celibacy, to give the worship of the hours, and to respect and obey the diocesan bishop and the legitimate religious leader. Msgr. Semren gave the sacrament of the Holy Order of Deacons to the candidates by laying of hands and praying. Then the newly ordained deacons, with the help of their parish priests, put on their official liturgical clothes and at the end of the rite, received the evangeliary from the bishop’s hands, and with him exchanged the sign of peace, and then proceeded to serve at the altar.
By this ordination they accepted, as entrusted to them by the competent authority, the tasks of deacons: solemnly administering baptism, keeping and sharing the Eucharist, attending marriage and blessing in the name of the Church, giving last communion to the dying, reading the Scriptures to the faithful, teaching and encouraging the people, presiding over the liturgy and prayer, to share the sacraments, to preside over the funeral and burial rites.
OFM Zoran Topalović (Vitez parish), OFM Josip Jazvić (Gornja Dubica parish), OFM Antonio Baketarić (Rumboci parish), OFM Dario Matanović (Tuzla parish), OFM Antonio Gašić (Sivša parish), OFM Nikola Matošević (Nova Bila parish), OFM Zdenko Frljić (Vitez parish) and OFM Fabio Badrov (Vitez parish).
At the end, the Provincial, OFM Jozo, thanked Bishop Semren and the host, OFM Mile, and in a special way all those who supported the deacons with their prayers to come to this solemn day. “God chooses! God calls! You have responded to that call. Do not be afraid! Those who are in God’s hand have nothing to fear”, said Provincial Marinčić to the deacons.
Sarajevo – November 29, 2020